
Candace Liddy

Sculptures of Candace Liddy

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Name Size Year Run Price status picture
Amisha LB 2009 50 - 60 $80 available
Aquillo LB
$80 sold out
Aten SM 2006
$80 sold out
Aten Khamen TR 2007 60 - 70 $400 sold out
Bones McCoy LB 2002
$75 sold out
Brady LB
50 $85 sold out
Brigadier MM 2006
$15 sold out
Brilliant SM 1998 45 $75 sold out
Cat Food SM 1996 150
$45 sold out
Chico TR

$200 sold out
Chief San Domingo TR 1999 50 $250 sold out
Cinnamon TR 2023
$35 available
Cocolona TR

$100 available
Cool Whip LB

$90 sold out
Credit LB 2005
$75 sold out >
Dagobaz LB 1998 34 $150 sold out
Dahlia LB 1997 65 $75 sold out
Dale LB 1999 58 $85 sold out
Darfendi TR 1999 ~50 $75 sold out
Domingo Mini LB
56 $90 sold out
Ela Gance LB 1993 52 $75 sold out
Epitome LB 2005
$90 sold out
Eshe TR 2007 50 $375 available
Fala CL 2005 50 $175 sold out
Falda CL 2005 50 $130 sold out
Fantasia LB

sold out

50 - 60 $375 sold out
Flora CL 1997 54 $75 sold out
FN Cool CL 1999 23 $100 sold out
Foxy Lady CL 1994 71 $100 sold out
1997 36 $65 sold out
Gulliver TR 2006 50 $80
Highland Dale LB 2012 35 - 50 $140
Hubert LB 2003
$75 sold out
Inger lg.
$115 available
Itchy SM 1998
$45 sold out
Joseph M LB 1994 56 $50 sold out
Jumping Jack TR
sold out
$50 sold out
Kermit the Cat LB 2010
Kestrel CL
33 $110 sold out
Khai TR 2008 50 $135
Kit Fox LB 2010 150 $50 available
Kitten Chow SM 1999 ~50 $50 sold out
Leif lg.
$90 available
Leo LB 2003
$75 sold out
Leonard LB 2002 60 $95 sold out
Lilly TR 2006 50 $85
Little Imp TR 1995 37 $60 sold out
Locked and Loaded LB 2009 50 $80 available
Loreal LB 2005 ~40 $90 sold out
Mandarb CL 2013 50 $250 available
Mama Mia TR 2011 35 - 50 $200 available
Meow Mix SM

$60 sold out
Minx and OJ TR

sold out
Miss Sassafrass TR 2014 20 $375 available
Mulan CL
65 $175 sold out
Mulan SM SM
59 $80 sold out
Nellie Belle LB 1999 63 $75 sold out
Nine Lives SM 2002
$75 sold out
Parade LB 1997 59 $55 sold out
Parfait LB 1997 49 $45 sold out
Picasso SM 1996 100
$45 sold out
Pooped SM 1998
$45 sold out
Promise TR 1999 5 $195 sold out
not sold u/p
Putt TR 2006 50 $65 sold out
Quattro SM 1996 150
$45 sold out
aka 'Quincy'
LB 2005
$75 sold out
Rap Sheet SM 2007
$50 sold out
Rameses II TR 1993 65 $150 sold out
Red Fox TR 2010 50 - 60 $130 available
Roses in May TR 2007 5 $750 sold out
Roy LB 1998 54 $85 sold out
Sagira TR 2008 60 $130
Savings LB 2005
$75 sold out
Scamper CL 2001

Seamus LB 2012 50 - 60 $140 available
Slye LB 2002 58 $95 sold out
Sprinkles TR 2023
$70 available
TB stallion TR

$400 available
Tender Vittles SM 2004
$75 sold out
Ter Na Nog LB

$90 available
Tiki TR

$140 available
Toffee TR 2023
$55 available
Tor lg
$115 available
Twister SM 1996 150
$45 sold out
Wee Won CL 1996 150
$45 sold out
Whiskas SM 2006
$79 available
Windsor SM 1997 45 $65 sold out
With A Twist TR 2006 50 $200