
Horsing Around

Sculptures of Horsing Around

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Name Size Year Run Price status info picture
Agneta CL 2003 50 £57 sold out by Renate v.d.Graff
Ahkeem LB 2014 125 £50 sold out
Tina Johnson
Akhal Teke TR 2005 75 130$ sold out by Sue Thompson
Al Sayyid TR 2005 75 £100 sold out by Heike Polster
Alchemist SM 2003 125 £30 sold out by Tina Lamport
Altanero CL 2001 50 £79 sold out by Tina Lamport
Alwyn / Welsh Cob CL
by David Mayer
Mini Alwyn SM
125 £38 sold out by David Mayer
Amber LB 2004 open
£38 Edition
by David Mayer
Amira LB
125 £50 sold out by Tina Lamport
Anam Uasal
LB 2004 125 £40
by David Mayer
Anna Lena CL 2003 50 £40 sold out by Renate v.d.Graff
Appollo CL 2001 50 £79 sold out by Tina Lamport
Arab in
Native Costume
SM 1999
subscriber special
by Donna Chaney
Aragon TR 2004 75 £87 sold out by Heike Polster
Archilles SM 2005 125 £30 sold out by Tina Lamport
Arthus TR 2004 75 £100 sold out by Heike Polster
Asad TR 2004 75 £87 sold out by Ed Gonzales
2007 50 £65 sold out by David Mayer
Asombroso CL 1999 125
sold out
in 4 days
by Linda York
Atalar Sevda SM 2006 125 £30 sold out by Tina Lamport
Aziz LB 2010 125 £50 sold out by Tina Lamport
Badawi SM 2007 125 £30 sold out by Tina Lamport
Baran TR 2003 50 £79 sold out by Gudrun Schmitt

sold out subscriber special
by Lynn Fraley
Bint al Sahra TR 2004 75 £87 sold out by Sue Thompson
Bonito TR 2004 75 £45 disc by Gudrun Schmitt
Brandus TR 2006 75 £100 sold out by Gudrun Schmitt
2000 175 £125 sold out by Linda York
Bronte SM 2002 open
£35 sold out subscriber special
by D'Arry Jone Frank
Bumble SM 2004 125 £50 sold out by David Mayer
By Committee SM
50 67$ sold out by Linda York
Carwyn LB
75 £70 sold out by David Mayer
Castiel TR
125 £100 sold out by David Mayer
Centeno TR 2003 75 £87 sold out by Gudrun Schmitt
Challenger SM 2004 125 £30 disc by Tina Lamport
Cheyenne TR 2006 76 £87 sold out by Sue Thompson
Churchill SM

£15 disc by David Mayer
Cleveland Bay TR 2005 75 £87 sold out by Graham Gordon
Conqueror TR 2005 75 £87 sold out by Gudrun Schmitt
Cromwell TR 2006 125 £87 sold out by Doris Lindner
Denbigh TR 2004 75 £87 sold out by Thomas Fielding
Double Trouble TR 2012 75 £100 sold out by Rosina Fagner
D's Twisted Sister SM 2001 125 £35 sold out by DeeAnn Kjelshus
Dust Devil SM 2003 125 £30 sold out by Kristina L. Francis
Edgar Allen SM 2003 125 £30 sold out by D'Arry Jone Frank
El Fantasmo SM 2001 125 £30 disc by Tina Lamport
El Marees TR 2006 75 £87 disc by Sue Thompson
El Mirador SM 2003 125 60$ disc by Tina Lamport
Estada TR 2004 125 £87 disc by Gudrun Schmitt
2006 125 £30 disc by Tina Lamport
Favory Santana TR 2004 75 £87 disc by Gudrun Schmitt
Flaxley SM 2003 125 £38 sold out by Stacey Tumlinson
Fritz SM 2004 125 £38 sold out by Tina Lamport
Gabbar SM 2010 open
£15 available by Michael Lovejoy
Galahad TR 2003 75 £87 disc by Heike Polster
Galileo SM 2004 125 50$ sold out by Tina Lamport
Garron TR 2006 75 £100 sold out by James Richmond
General Holme TR 2005 50 130$ sold out by Gudrun Schmitt
Generale TR 2002 50 £99 sold out by Heike Polster
Giovanni TR 2013 75 £100 sold out by James Richmond
Gladstone LB 2005 50 £ sold out by David Mayer
Goliath II TR 2007 75 £87
by Gudrun Schmitt
Grantchester SM 2017 125 £38 sold out
Gunnar CL 2003 50 £79 disc by Renate v.d.Graff
Habina SM
50 £30 sold out by Linda York
Hadrian SM 2001
£30 sold out by Sarah Rose
Hairy Tartuffe TR 2004 125 £57 disc by Patti Miller
High Society TR 2008 75 £100 out of stock
by David Mayer
Highflyer SM 2006 125 £38 sold out by Tina Lamport
Highland TR 2006 75 £87 sold out by James Richmond
Hulst LB 2007 125 £55 sold out by Tina Lamport
Iskra TR 2014 75 £70 sold out
by James Richmond
Joi's Diamond SM 2017 125 £100 sold out by Monika Baumann
John Boy TR

disc by Karon Grieve
Jonathon TR 2001 50 £79 disc by Renate v.d.Graff
Josephine TR 2008 75 £100 sold out by James Richmond
Juniper TR 2022 125 £90 out of stock
by Tomás Varela
Junot CL 2001 75 £79 disc by Tina Lamport
Jupiter LB 2000
£40 disc by Tina Lamport
Keyed Up TR 2005 75 £87 sold out by Patti Miller
Kilimanjaro TR 2006 75 £70 sold out
by James Richmond
Lady Hamilton TR 2009 75 £87 sold out by Sue Thompson
LBR Byrjun
1999 50
sold out by Juliane Garstka
Lissy SM 2010 50 £38 sold out by James Richmond
Makeedah TR 2003 75 £100 sold out by Heike Polster
Mara SM 2000 75 £40 sold out by Lynn Milam
Marcimello SM 2011 50 £50 out of stock
by Linda York
Marcus Aurelius SM 2014 125 £38 sold out by Thomas Fielding
Masterclass TR 2000 ~25 £99 disc by Rob Donaldson
Maud'dib SM 2005 75 £30 sold out by Vanessa Crawley
Maverick SM

sold out by Kristin Berkery
Megan CL 2003 50 £55 disc by Jamie Coughlin
Meridian SM 2003 125 £30 disc by Tina Lamport
Merlin SM 2004

sold out subscriber special
by Linda York
Mini Cromwell SM 2014 125 60$
by Doris Lindner
Mistofellees TR 2001 125 £99 disc by Denise Peterson
Misty Dawn SM 2003

disc by Rob Donaldson
Moonstone LB 2000
£40 disc by Tina Lamport
Napoleon TR 2002 75 £99 sold out by Heike Polster
Draft gelding
TR 2001 125 £79 sold out by Rob Donaldson
Nobel Star SM 2004 125 £30
by Bob Taylor
Nova TR 2003

disc by Heike
Okarnill Wakesha SM 2003 125 £30
by Sue Beard
Paddington TR 2010 75 £100 out of stock
by James Richmond
Palmerston SM 2010 125 £15 available by Michael Lovejoy
Pepys SM
£15 available by Michael Lovejoy
Pony stallion LB 2004 open
£35 disc by David Mayer
Prophecy SM 2003 125 £30 disc by Tina Lamport
Rasmus TR 2003 50 £99 sold out by Gudrun Schmitt
Rearing Lipizzan SM 2001 125 £34 disc by Rob Donaldson
Regel TR 2001 125 £99
by Tina Lamport
Riding Pony mare SM 2002 125 £30 disc by Rob Donaldson
Rhapsody TR 1999 125 145$ disc by David
Royale SM 2000 250 £34 disc by Rob Donaldson
RB Romke TR 2003 50 £99 sold out by Renate v.d.Gaff
Samson TR 2014 75 £100 sold out by Doris Lindner
Sandman SM
£15 available by Michael Lovejoy
Scandalous Jack TR 2000
£40 disc by Chris Jolly
Sentinel SM 2003 125 £30
by Stacey Tumlinson
Seren LB 2000
£40 disc by Tina Lamport
Sheetaura TR 2000 125 £99 sold out by Patti Miller
Sheetaura II TR 2003 125 £99 sold out by Patti Miller
Shetland Pony
SM 2004 open
£38 disc by David Mayer
Shetland Pony stallion LB 2004 open
£35 disc
by David Mayer
Sheza Naughty Neddie SM 2014 50 65$ sold out by Linda York
Showmaster TR 2007 75 £100 sold out
by James Richmond
Silk Wind SM 2004 50 £30
by Rob Donaldson
Snelsons Magnus TR 2005 75 £87 sold out by Gudrun Schmitt
Suffolk Punch CL 2004 open
£75 Edition
by David Mayer
Tartuffe TR 2003 125 £57 sold out by Patti Miller
Tirion SM 2016 125 £50 sold out by Tina Johnson
Titan SM 2001 125 £30 sold out by Tina Lamport
Toby SM 2017 125 £75 sold out by David Mayer and
Frances Stevens
Twilight SM 2018 125 £45 sold out by Thomas Fielding
Valdemar SM 2003 125 £30 sold out by Paige Patty
Van Gogh SM 2001 125 £30 sold out by Tina Lamport
Vienna TR 2012 75 £100 sold out by James Richmond
Waterloo TR 2003 75 165$disc by Gudrun Schmitt
Welsh Cob /
Welsh D stallion
CL 2004 open
£75 sold out
by David Mayer
Welsh Pony stallion LB 2004 open
£40 disc by David Mayer