
Laura Behning

Sculptures of Laura Behning

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Name Size Year Run Price status info picture
Adiels Casino Gold SM 2002 10 - 15 $120 sold out
Agizon SM 2012
$55 sold out
Alistair SM 2005 50 $55 sold out offered through
Tom Bainbridge
April Meridian filly SM 1996 10 $150 sold out not sold u/p
April Meridian mare SM 1999 7 $160 sold out 2 sold u/p
Blame it to Elaine SM 2002
$50 sold out
Brandysnap SM 2009
$55 sold out offered through
Tom Bainbridge
BR Heidi Angelfield SM 1997 10 $75 sold out 3 sold u/p
Brendan SM 1999 50 $55 sold out Award Model
SouthCon 2000
British Shetland Pony SM 1997 10 $65 sold out
cantering Arab mare SM 2002
$50 sold out
Cardiff SM 2007
$55 sold out offered through
Tom Bainbridge
Colwynn SM 2008
$55 sold out offered through
Tom Bainbridge
Faliant SM 2006
$55 sold out offered through
Tom Bainbridge
Freedom CL 1998 7 $350 sold out not sold u/p
Frolic SM 2002 50 $55 sold out Award Model
SouthCon 2002
Lovey SM 2003 30 $50 sold out Award Model
SouthCon 2004
lying Morgan Foal CL 2014 30 $95 available
Mindspring Morgan stallion TR 1996 10 $150 sold out 6 sold u/p
Mira CL 1999 5 $350 sold out not sold u/p
Morgan Colt
1996 10 $150 sold out not sold u/p
Morgan mare
1994 23 $150 sold out 11 sold u/p
Mule CL 1995 5 $150 sold out 3 sold u/p
Roadie SM 2003 50 $50 sold out Award Model
SouthCon 2003
Rose Annette SM 2004 175 $55 sold out offered through
Tom Bainbridge
TWH mare sm.
1995 13 $150 sold out 9 sold u/p
Welsh B stallion
'Shadowfax Fox Mulder'

1995 16 $100 sold out
Western Morgan mare SM 2001 57
sold out Award Model
SouthCon 2001
Willy Remember Me TR 1999 30 $150 sold out